Amadu Idrisu

Amadu Idrisu

The Central Administration Department is the secretariat of the Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly and is responsible for the provision of support services, effective and efficient general administration and organization of the Assembly. The Central Administration Department is headed by the Municipal Co-ordinating Director.

The Department is responsible for managing all sections of the assembly including; Records, Estate, Transport, Procurement, Accounts, Stores, Security, and Management Information Systems.

The Department also coordinates the;

  • General administrative functions
  • Development planning and management functions
  • Budgeting and Rating functions
  • Public Affairs and International Relations

Alex Badu Amoah
Alex Badu Amoah
Head, Municipal Planning and Coordination Unit

The MPCU is responsible for plan preparation, implementation, coordinatinon, monitoring, and appraisals of development plans of the Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly.

Nana Akua Afriyie Arthur
Nana Akua Afriyie Arthur
Head, Management Information Systems

The M.I.S Unit is responsible for the deployment of Information and Communication Technologies to increasing the Assembly’s operational efficiencies and enhancing ICT Governance.

Ernest Tagoe
Ernest Tagoe
Head, Budget & Rating

The budget unit of the Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly has the responsibility to lead the preparation of Annual Budget Estimate.

The unit take the front lead in preparation of Fee Fixing Resolution for implemetation. The Unit also advises Management on the Revenue and Expenditure Management.

Ayisha Toyibu
Ayisha Toyibu
Head, Procurement

The Procurement Unit is under the Central Adminstration of the Assembly. The Unit consist of people with deep understanding and knwoledge in procurement procedures at the public sector.

The core mandate of the unit is to coordinate all activities in the area of works, goods and services in accordance with the Procurement Act.

Nii Oforiquaye Quaye
Nii Ofori Quaye
Public Affairs and International Relations Officer

The Public Affairs and International Relations Unit exits to creates responsibility of helping the Municipality to comprehend its vision and mission through creating and establishing partnerships, building and maintaining effective external relations and serving as the main information source for both internal and external publics for the municipality.

The unit amin aim are as follows:
1.Develop Communication Strategies and set Public Relations objectives in line with the mission, vision and goals of the Municipality
2. Develop and maintain close working relations with media outlets and identify opportunities for media placement and coverage.
3. Organise press conferences/briefings, press soirees, durbars, facility visits, tours, special events etc as and when the need arises.
4. Lead in the design, production and dissemination of multimedia products such as videos, newsletters / magazines, photographs, posters, official websites and other such materials to enhance visibility of the Municipality.
5. Monitor coverage of activities in the media (Print, TV. radio, social media etc)